
cbdb: (Comprehensive Biological DataBase)

A Biological database is a collection of biological information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated. Computer biological databases typically contain aggregations of biological data records or files, containing information about structure function and other interaction of data to specific scientific community. In this study, we created a database called Comprehensive Biological Data Base (CBDB), which is the latest collection of 425 databases in 8 categories, Crystallographic Databases, Exosomal Databases, Biodiversity databases, Carbohydrate Databases, Chemical databases, Radiologic databases, Genomic Databases and Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) Databases, and has freely access to all Researchers. Furthermore, we have 2 searching methods, which can be searched by clicking the name of the category or user can type the database name into the given search bar.

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